1st July 2018

Minimising Wastage around the House

For the most part I tend to agree with the common belief that you lose more by way of time than what you gain in anything really watching television, which is why it’s called “programming” I guess. Fortunately though these days we kind of get to choose just exactly what we want to watch so one’s rhetoric cannot really be shaped by the programmers to the extent that it could.

Anyway, I say for the most part because there are indeed some rare occasions which are admittedly becoming more and more common when you actually come away with some valuable life lessons having watched something on T.V. Channels such as National Geographic have a lot to teach, when they’re not repeating all their shows, of course.

So recently I learned all about how to minimise wastage around the house, even though it was more of an inspired lesson instead of one which was expressly targeted by the show I was watching. The show was about how they make use of all their resources to build the cars they do at a German automobile manufacturing plant and that got me thinking about how we could minimise wastage around the house by maximising all our resources.

This is what I’ve come up with…

Reusing consumer goods packaging

When you first purchase them, consumer goods packed in reusable packaging may appear to be more expensive than those that come in disposable packaging, but in the long run, it will work out cheaper going with the reusables. Something like a glass jam jar can be reused for more than just refilling it with jam for instance and there are just so many other consumer goods that come in packaging that can be reused.


Decorating a house is a wasteful process. Stripping wallpaper results in masses of chemically contaminated paper ending up in landfills, whilst refitting a kitchen or bathroom results in dozens of broken tiles and smashed fixtures. You’ve probably walked past a house recently with a skip filled to the brim with broken cabinets and used paint cans. Paint, as it happens, is one of the most wasted products, with gallons ending up poured down the drain, polluting our rivers and oceans. If painting your home, find professionals on a site like https://www.myhousepainter.com/painters/california/ to do the job for you. Professional painters know exactly how much paint they’ll need to cover a certain area, resulting in less waste.


If you cannot immediately reuse any product or its packaging then the next best thing is to recycle. Simply put it in your recycling heap instead of disposing of it in the traditional manner. The recyclable items at your home can be towed away by a waste management and dumpster rentals company that might send their worker to collect all the waste from your residence. While the reduction in waste may not always be immediately visible, you’ll still be playing a part in the global effort to minimize waste. Now, you may be wondering how to find a company that can help with this. The good news is that with a bit of research online, you can easily come across https://wasteremovalusa.com/ and sites offering similar services.

Organic composting

Your own soil will reward you for your efforts to create an organic compost heap, which is to be made out of keeping all organic waste instead of disposing of it traditionally as well. If you’re a bit too lazy to keep an eye on a growing organic compost heap, you can just throw the organic waste directly into the soil where it will be naturally broken down by Mother Nature’s natural biological processes. The rich soil you’ll eventually have will have you growing your own fresh produce and therefore reducing the amount of money you spend at the grocer’s.

Efficient resource allocation and deployment

So it’s more than just an implementation of physical wastage reduction actions in order to reduce wastage around the house. The manner in which you manage resources such as your finances is something you should also look at, such as buying in bulk when doing the grocery shopping as this saves fuel (you make less trips to the grocer’s) and just managing your finances in such as way that you minimise bank fees and the likes.

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