Bees are not aggressive and will usually avoid confrontation. However, that doesn’t mean they never sting. As anyone who has been stung knows, their sting is very painful and can be a serious issue for anyone that suffers from allergies. Bee stings contain proteins that affect the immune system and the skin cells, causing swelling and pain around the sting area. People with bee sting allergies may experience more serious immune system reactions to bee venom.
That’s one of the main reasons why, if you have a bees nest in your yard, you should contact the local pest control company to have it removed. Pest control experts usually have tools and tactics to effectively remove the bees without destroying their hives. Since bees contribute to our ecosystem greatly, nobody wants to get them exterminated. For instance, professionals at Pest Control Dallas ( are known to use techniques like introducing some light smoke to a property to remove those nasty little buzzing insects without hurting them. (Note: Bees are sensitive to smell.)
It is also worth noting that a bee can only sting once. Unlike wasps and hornets, the bee leaves its sting and part of its abdomen in the victim, causing the death of the bee. Because it’s more than just a stinger, you need to remove it properly and with caution.
Speed Is Important
A bee stinger contains venom. The longer the venom is in your body the more powerful the effects will be. That’s why you need to remove it as quickly as possible. But, you need to do it properly or you risk leaving part of the bee or stinger in your body. This could cause an infection.
Get Away From The Bees
If one bee has stung you it’s possible that others will. The best approach to avoid this is to walk away from the area. Running is likely to make the insects chase you, walking calmly away from their nest will entice them to leave you alone.
Getting The Stinger Out
It’s best to ask someone else to remove the stinger as they will have a better view of it. You can use tweezers. These can grip the piece of stinger still sticking out of your skin and pull it out, ensuring the whole stinger comes out intact. However, you mustn’t squeeze too hard on the stinger as this will inject more venom into the skin.
Ideally, you’ll want to use a fingernail. Run it lightly across your skin, scraping the skin in the opposite direction to how the stinger has gone in. This should allow you to hook the end of the stringer and slide it out. If your fingernails aren’t long enough a piece of gauze will have the same effect.
Wash the Area
As soon as you have the stinger out wash the sting site with warm soapy water. This helps to remove any bacteria, reducing the risk of infection. It can also soothe the wound.
Apply Cold
Follow washing with a cold pack. This decreases blood flow, reducing the inflammation and swelling at the site. At this stage, you need to observe carefully for any sign of an allergic reaction. If swelling starts to appear in other places on your body or breathing becomes difficult, you’ll need to go to the hospital.
Pain relief
A bee sting can be very painful although the pain subsides surprisingly quickly. If it is too painful then an over-the-counter medication can be used to alleviate the pain. It is important to follow the dosage guidelines. You can also consider using cannabis as a pain reliever, as it is said to have medicinal properties and is being widely used many medical purposes-check this out to know more.
Remember, most people don’t have an issue with allergic reactions to bee stings. But, if you do, talk to your doctor about whether you need to carry medication with you.