14th October 2019

4 Postpartum Must-Haves For New Moms

As your big day approaches and you’re closer than ever to being a mom, you may start wondering what you’ll need to have a faster and smoother postpartum recovery.  One of the best things you can do for yourself as a new mother is to prepare yourself ahead of time by familiarizing yourself with what you’ll need.

Remember, the entire process of pregnancy and giving birth is one of the biggest changes your body will ever go through. In order to heal successfully, you’ll need to prepare yourself with the right tools. Whether you’re planning on giving birth at home naturally, or have a scheduled cesarean, here are some of the must-haves you’ll need following giving birth.

Hair Growth Treatment

When you’re pregnant, your body is full of all sorts of yummy hormones that keep your hair thick and luscious. Your body hangs onto your hair that it would normally shed. However, the party ends abruptly when you give birth, and you experience a drop in hormones. 

All that hair your body hung onto is now ready to fall out, and it tends to do so quickly. The result is often a flat head of hair that’s lacking in luster. A lot of women have a hard time accepting that their hair is so dull. Therefore, you may want to consider turning to a laser treatment or special shampoo to get your hair back on track sooner. 

Postpartum Belt

After giving birth, your abdomen may need some help bouncing back after all that stretching out. A postpartum belt, also known as a belly wrap is a great way to support your pelvis and lower back.

Not only can it help ease back pain and strengthen your core, but it can also help get your waist back to where it was before you were pregnant. 

Peri Bottle

You’ll experience some bleeding for a period of time after giving birth, which may not always leave you feeling clean. It could be painful at times because of which you might have to take CBD pain capsules or other similar pain medications. A perineal irrigation bottle will help keep you fresh after trips to the bathroom.

If you gave birth vaginally, you’ll be instructed to avoid toilet paper altogether. Therefore, a peri bottle will help you stay clean as well as dilute your urine to prevent any pain. 

Nipple Cream

Although breastfeeding can be a beautiful experience, there is a learning curve. The first few weeks of breastfeeding can be downright painful to the point of bleeding nipples. Yes, you heard that right.

The best way to protect your body from the irritation that the first stages of breastfeeding causes is to use a nipple cream. It will not only soothe your irritated nipples but also prevent further chafing from occurring.

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