24th September 2019

3 Ways To Speed Healing After Having A Baby

Having a baby is a big change. Not only does bringing a new little one into your home change everything about your lifestyle, but it also changes everything about your body. 

Although you might be so tired after delivering your baby, it’s now that you need to start thinking about how to best heal yourself so you can give your baby and the rest of your family the care they need.

As you start this journey, you can also consider long-term solutions for regaining your pre-pregnancy body. Many women find that a combination of healthy diet, and cosmetic procedures can help them feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin. For instance, some mothers may search online for “Los Angeles mommy makeover” or look nearby for procedures such as tummy tucks and breast lifts to deal with the physical changes that come with pregnancy and childbirth. This is a personal choice and not for everyone, still it might be worth exploring if you’re looking for ways to enhance your recovery efforts.

Spend The First Six Weeks Recovering

While you might start feeling more like yourself sooner, Colleen de Bellefonds, a contributor to What To Expect, advises that you take the first six weeks after delivering your baby to fully embrace your recovery period. This is what most doctors will advise for you to ensure that there aren’t any complications following your delivery or surgery

During this time, try your best to take things easy. Don’t overexert yourself or try to get back into activities like sex or exercise routines before your body has had a chance to fully heal. If you do too much too soon, you could end up prolonging your recovery period unnecessarily. So make sure to take proper rest. Your body needs to heal following childbirth, and sleep is the most important restorative practice to focus on.

Of course, sleeping with a newborn can be difficult, particularly if your baby wakes up every few hours to feed. Whenever possible, sleep when the baby sleeps. When your partner, family, or hired help is available to take care of your baby for a while, use this time to sleep first and catch up on other tasks afterwards.

It is also advisable for new mothers to enlist the help of Occupational therapy services. You might wonder why this is important. Occupational therapy can aid in your recovery process from childbirth, especially if there are any complications such as a cesarean section or tearing. And, if you are suffering from pelvic pain, which is very common after childbirth, occupational therapists can also help with exercises and techniques to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Beyond physical support, these therapists can also offer you support and resources to help you with the emotional challenges you might come across during your motherhood journey.

Keep Things Cool

Right after having your baby, you’re going to be pretty sore. One effective way to relieve this soreness and any associated pain is to use cold therapy. This method involves applying cold compresses, ice packs, or specially designed cooling pads to areas of discomfort, such as the perineum, abdomen, or any surgical incision sites.

Cold therapy helps to constrict blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the affected area. This decrease in blood flow can help to minimize swelling and inflammation. The cold temperature also has a numbing effect, which can help to alleviate pain and provide immediate relief from soreness.

According to Alexa Joy Sherman, a contributor to Parents.com, using ice to relieve pain and inflammation can be a lifesaver in the first few days after delivery. In addition to this, you can also try sitting in cool water for short periods of time or using cool compresses to promote healing and reduce any itching you might be experiencing from stitches. 

Don’t Forget The Basics Of Self Care

While your main priority right now is likely taking care of your new bundle of joy, you shouldn’t neglect yourself and the basic care that you need in order to recover and feel yourself getting back to normal.

As a part of this, AWHONN and the Huffington Post share that you should spend this time drinking a lot of water and eating foods that are going to be healthy for you and your breastfeeding baby. Also, try to do things like going for a walk, getting some fresh air, and sleeping whenever you can so that your body and mind can heal and be prepared for everything that is life with a newborn. 

If you’ll be having a baby soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you be prepared for what your recovery will likely look like and find ways to speed up the process so you can get into your new mom routine as quickly as possible.

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